Writer, playwright and dramaturge Tomáš Vůjtek was born in Frýdek-Místek in 1967 and holds a degree in history and Czech language and literature from the University of Ostrava. In 1991, he started teaching at the Janáček Conservatory, where he taught cultural history. He founded the Ostravská pohoda theatre group, which stages his own plays, and in 2009, started working as a dramaturge for the Chamber Theatre Aréna in Ostrava. Vůjtek brought attention to himself with the play Výmlat [The Threshing] (1998) and, lately, the loose trilogy S nadějí i bez ní [With and Without Hope] (2009), Smíření [The Make Up] (2011) and Slyšení [The Hearing] (2012). He also works with the theatre scene of the Les absinth club (Pašije [Passion], Spolu [Together]), which will also host his newest play (with singing!), Slávek Novák aneb Příběh opravdového herce, který se opravdu stal [Slávek Novák, or A True Actor’s Story, Which Actually Happened].